My Regular Testing and Results

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I am a constant self-experimenter, willing to try anything new to see how it might affect me, my energy, my mood, my blood markers, and my epigenetics. 

I test various blood markers monthly, as I continue to change up my supplementation and dosages to shift my various markers not just into their reference range (which is simply an average of an ailing population my age who require a blood test for diagnostics), but instead toward the studied and determined optimal ranges for healthy collegiate athletes.

Ranking on the Leaderboard of The Rejuvenation Olympics now has me not wanting to experiment with new things, lest I negatively affect my standing! That kind of sucks!  🤣😂😛  So if you should ever see my score drop, just know that it's only due to temporary experimentation! 🙂

I have also had my own and each member of my family tested via Ancestry so that I've been able to export our raw data files to compare & contrast our genetics, using tools like Found My Fitness, Promethease, and Microsoft Excel.   I am the youngest child of 3 and based upon the sheer number of positive and negative markers, I arguably have the worst genetics of anyone in my family!

Regular Testing:


DNA Testing I've Done Over The Years:

DNA Analysis Tools Used:

Life Extension Blood Test Choices Explained:

What tests might YOU be interested in?  

The following are listed from the most basic & least expensive to the most comprehensive.  The prices listed here are only for relative reference. The actual price may be cheaper due to regular on-going sales.

Very basic tests, equal to or better than what your doctor will order for you each year:

Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Chemistry/ Lipids Panel - $35.00

and  Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy Blood Test - $47.00

-- OR --

Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Chemistry/ Lipids Panel & Vitamin D Combo - $75.00

Slightly Better:

Cardio Core Essentials Panel - $89.00 (contains everything above + ApoB & CRP, but excludes Vitamin D)

you can add the Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy Blood Test - $47.00

Also a good add-on to the Cardio Core Essentials Panel would be one of the following NMR panels:

NMR LipoProfile® - $99.00

(contains Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and Triglycerides, LDL particle count [LDL-P] and LDL particle size, LP-IR Score [LipoProfile Insulin Resistance]

-- OR --

NMR LipoProfile® PLUS Blood Test - $269.00

(contains everything in the NMR LipoProfile + C-Reactive Protein [CRP], Myeloperoxidase [MPO], and Oxidized LDL [OxLDL])

   o C-Reactive Protein (CRP): A measure of systemic inflammation, which is linked to heart disease.

   o Myeloperoxidase (MPO): Indicates vascular inflammation and the presence of vulnerable arterial plaque.

   o Oxidized LDL (OxLDL): A marker for oxidized cholesterol, which is more prone to cause inflammation and arterial plaque.

Better yet:

Male Comprehensive Hormone Panel Blood Test - $299.00

Female Comprehensive Hormone Panel Blood Test - $299.00

(these contain CBC / Chemistry/ Lipids Panel + thyroid & sex hormones and Cortisol, but excludes Vitamin D. Also contains Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and Triglycerides from the NMR LipoProfile® test)

And finally, the ultimate test:

Life Extension Male Panel (Elite) Blood Test - $575

Life Extension Female Panel (Elite) Blood Test - $575

(these contain everything in the Comprehensive Hormone Panel + Progesterone, High-sensitivity C-reactive protein [hs-CRP], Homocysteine, Apolipoprotein B, Insulin-like Growth Factor [IGF-1], Insulin, Vitamin D, a full iron panel, and others, but excludes Cortisol.)

My TruDiagnostic Results:

Get your test here.

January 7, 2022

October 9, 2022

August 15, 2023

January 7, 2022

October 9, 2022

August 15, 2023

My Pace of Aging as of August 15, 2023

My result compared to the general population, as of August 15, 2023

My GlycanAge Results:

Get your test here.

July 13, 2023

Coming January 2024

Canadian Wildfires recently affected our Air Quality and my Glycans, which increased my biological age value!

My Morgan Levine DNAm PhenoAge Results

As a constant self-experimenter, I've found that attempts to move one marker may have unintended consequences upon another. Sustained training for endurance events also has its impacts. Heck, even things like various endurance fuels have shown their impacts on my markers, such as my blood glucose measures.  Many potential inputs, so very many potential outputs.  

I do realize that these numbers on their own aren't going to provide much without me also providing the corresponding explanation of what I changed during the testing interval and why.  Sorry, I'm no Michael Lustgarten, PhD. I don't weigh my food or calculate p-values, but I do sincerely admire everything he's doing to provide us with actionable and fascinating data. Still, I've provided my numbers here for those that have requested them, and that like to geek-out on such things like I do.

Additional Biomarkers:

The following additional biomarkers were requested by Aaron King, since they increase with age but are not influenced by BMI:

This one surprised me, because I'm left-handed! Due to an old injury, my left forearm and elbow were crackling under the dynamometer load.  Ah, it must be hell getting old! 😉😄

Where my results fall compared to the general population:

Graphs derived using

DEXA Scan Results