My Recent Press Coverage


Whenever you see a braggy/boastful headline or story reporting "my" claims about my biological age or that I'm in any way in competition with Bryan Johnson, please know this: THEY MADE THAT UP to get clicks.  

If they took the time to actually interview me, rather than simply ripping off a previous story that ripped off yet another previous story (continuing to perpetuate all of the inaccuracies along the way), they would know that I'm not a braggy or competitive person. I'm just trying to live the healthiest I can for as long as I'm alive. 

I don't make any claims about my biological age or my pace of aging. I've left that for the experts to determine and proclaim.  

I simply took a series of TruDiagnostic tests (and other various DNA, blood, bone, and mineral tests) in order to scientifically validate the effectiveness (or counter-effectiveness) of my diet, exercise, and supplementation.  TruDiagnostic tested my epigenetic age and my pace of aging and, in conjunction with Bryan, reported my results on the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, just ahead of Bryan's own standing.  

My results are their measures and their claims, not my own.  I was encouraged to create this site to detail my current self-experimentation which led to those results and my subsequent leaderboard standing.

I'm highly amused by all the comparisons to Bryan. He's obviously a very wealthy, smart & successful guy, and to be compared with such an interesting person is quite flattering!  I'd love to meet him someday! But I don't follow Bryan's program, nor am I in competition with him or it.  I'm just doing my own thing, which is a path that I've been on for far longer than Bryan has been on his. 

My approach is very different from his, but when it comes to the importance of sleep, exercise, nutrition, and the need for supplementation, our approaches are aligned.

I'm also not interested in marketing or selling my own brand of products, but I do provide everything I use and do, completely for free within the pages of this site for anyone who may be interested in them. Everywhere possible, these include affiliate links that offer the user discounts on their purchase.  I do make a small commission on those sales, which someday they may even pay for the time and effort involved in compiling, creating and maintaining this site, but I will not be holding my breath for that day.  😂

Recent Coverage Online

2024-Nov-29 - LongevityLive: Dave Pascoe Reimagines TRIIM: The Trial That Reversed Human Ageing

2024-Nov-18 - Bild (Germany): Von Schwitzen bis Plasmaspenden - Er ist 62! Das sind seine fünf Jungbrunnen-Tipps

Translates to: "From sweating to plasma donations - He's 62! These are his five fountain of youth tips"  This article created 1.4k new Instagram followers in its first day!

2024-Nov-15 - Twitter/X @craigbrockie (Retweet from October 21): Dave Pascoe is 62. Yet has the DNA of a 38-year-old.

2024-Nov-15 - The SweatyAF Podcast - Episode 75: Biohacking Stress with Dave Pascoe

2024-Nov-06 - YouTube: Hannah Went: The Everything Epigenetics Podcast: Epigenetic Hacks for Longevity: Strategies to Thrive at 62

2024-Oct-23 - YouTube: Mornings in the Lab with Keith & Friends: Dave Pascoe's Secrets to Longevity

2024-Oct-21 - Twitter/X @craigbrockie: Dave Pascoe is 62. Yet has the DNA of a 38-year-old.

2024-Oct-17 - YouTube: Wellness Vortex: Dave Pascoe: The 61yo Beating Bryan Johnson At Rejuvenation Olympics

2024-Oct-06 - Instagram: Michael Morelli @morellifit: The man that's outsmarting Father Time: Dave Pascoe

2024-Oct-03 - The US SUN: LIVING ON THE VEG ‘Biohacking’ couple insists they’ll live to age 150 thanks to strict daily routine but it comes at a high cost - I was pleased to have received a small mention in this article, but despite the fact that this couple's routines are only a subset of my own, my longevity results are attributed in this article to only "a combination of lots of sleep and kiwi fruit." 😂🤣  

2024-Sep-25 - Twitter/X: Michael Morelli @morellifit: The man that's outsmarting Father Time: Dave Pascoe

2024-Sep-23 - YouTube: nopara73: Julie Gibson Clark, Dave Pascoe, Siim Land - Immortal Combat Panel AND

    YouTube: Siim Land: Dave Pascoe and Julie Gibson Clark's Surprising Longevity Tips

2024-Sep-01 - YouTube: Conquer Aging Or Die Trying!: 62-Year Old Dave Pascoe: Slowing Aging Inside And Out

2024-Aug-31 - YouTube: LLHB (Live Longer Healthier & Better): Meet The 62 Years Old Who's Aging Backwards

2024-Aug-20 - YouTube: nopara73's 'Rejuvenation Olympics': Dave Pascoe, 11th Place, Rejuvenation Olympics

2024-Aug-17 - YouTube: The Ben Greenfield Podcast: The 61-Year-Old Biohacker Who Is DEFYING Aging On An Unbelievable Budget

2024-Aug-15 - YouTube: Wellness Daddy: Meet the 62 Year Old Who's Aging Backwards - this is THE best summarization of my entire website, my philosophy, my routines, and the reasoning behind it all that I've ever seen. I think Kyle explains it all far better than even I do!

2024-Jul-31 - Dave Pascoe: Unlocking fitness excellence with CAROL

2024-Jul-23 - Twitter/X: Joel "Heart Prevention" Kahn MD, FACC - Dave Pascoe: 61 Year-Old Longevity Biohacker With Body of A 38-Year-Old

2024-Jul-22 - LongevityLive: Dave Pascoe: 61 Year-Old Longevity Biohacker With Body of A 38-Year-Old

2024-Jul-16 - YouTube: Shankoty: How "Dave Pascoe" Looks So Young at Age Of 61 ? His Secretes To Longevity!

2024-Jul-16 - NewsMax: Longevity Has Become a Competitive Sport

2024-Jul-10 - The Wallstreet Journal: Outliving Your Peers Is Now a Competitive Sport

2024-Jul-10 - HealthNews: Should We Be More Skeptical About Longevity? (for better or for worse, I got a mention with the likes of David Sinclair, Andrew Huberman, and Bryan Johnson)

2024-Jul-10 - Twitter/X: Max Hertan

2024-Jul-08 - YouTube: Revitalixir50: Dave Pascoe (61) Has the Body of a 38 Year Old! My Longevity Secrets!

2024-Jun-22 - YouTube: Project Andrew: Dave Pascoe: Secrets to Longevity at 61 - Podcast Interview

2024-Jun-15 - Sanatorium: The site lists me as a Health SME, but then they conflate my bio with that of the Solicitor from South Carolina of the same name. lol

2024-Jun-09 - YouTube: Project Andrew: The 61-Year-Old Beating Bryan Johnson

2024-May-30 - Northeastern Global News: From Bryan Johnson to Dave Pascoe, has the longevity movement gone too far?

2024-May-18 - YouTube: Dr Joseph Spelta: Who is Dave Pascoe?

2024-May-17 - YouTube: Siim Land: He's 61 Years Old and Has a Slower Speed of Aging Than Bryan Johnson - Dave Pascoe Routine

2024-May-13 - Healthnews: Meet Dave Pascoe: His Routine, Supplements, and More

2024-May-08 - YouTube: Revitalixir50: Dave Pascoe (61) is Aging Slower Than Bryan Johnson!

2024-May-08 - Twitter/X: Greg Mushen

2024-May-05 - The Sun U.S.: LONG LIVE THE KING Meet the new longevity biohacker Dave Pascoe, 61, who has ‘body of a 38-year-old’ thanks to kiwis and lots of sleep

2024-May-05 - YouTube: GuruLife Now: The Biohack Underdog - Dave Pascoe is 61, with the body of a 38-year old

2024-Apr-25: Xataka (Spain): Mourning for Eternal Youth: Bryan Johnson and Dave Pascoe, the story of two men who only live to stay young

Big Pharma Strikes Back:

2024-Apr-25 - Healthnews: The Grift of Over-Supplementation - Supplement Manufacturers Don't Tell You Everything

2024-Apr-22 - Conservative Chronicle: Millionaire entrepreneur Bryan Johnson seeks to make death optional: his physical transformation is impressive

2024-Apr-19 - Money Control: Meet Dave Pascoe, 61, who claims to have reversed age to get the body of a 38-year-old

2024-Apr-19 - Greek Reporter: The Wealthy Anti-Aging Influencers in Search of Eternal Youth

2024-Apr-19 - YouTube: Wellness 1st: Dave Pascoe: He's 61yo But My Body Is 38yo | His Health and Longevity Secrets

Mostly derivative works:

2024-Apr-18 - The Asian Mirror: US Man, 61, says he has body of a 38-Year-old, Shares diet

2024-Apr-18 - Il Mattino: "I'm 61 years old, but my biological age is less than 38." Man rejuvenates by 20 years thanks to his routine: what is his secret

2024-Apr-18 - Science Times: Dave Pascoe Beats Bryan Johnson in Longevity and Biohacking After Only Spending $30K a Year to Have the Built of a 38-Year-Old at 61

2024-Apr-18 - News18 (India): - US Man, 61, Claims He Reversed His Age By Eating Dinner At 3 PM 

(^ Possibly the dumbest headline so far ! ^)

2024-Apr-18 - Times Now (India): 61-Year-Old US Man Claims Body Of A 38-Year-Old, Reveals Biohacking Journey

2024-Apr-18 - NDTV: US Man, 61, Says He Has Body Of A 38-Year-Old, Shares Biohacking Process

2024-Apr-18 - The Sun: AGE REWIND I’m 61 but have the body of a 30-year-old – I reverse ageing by eating dinner at 3pm & taking 158 supplements EVERY day

2024-Apr-18 - New York Post: I’m 61 but have the body of a 38-year-old — here’s how I biohacked the aging process

2024-Apr-18 - Independent: Anti-ageing activist's rival Dave Pascoe shares secret to turning back your biological clock - on a budget

2024-Apr-17 - Daily Mail: Forget Bryan Johnson! Meet Dave Pascoe - the new longevity king who, at 61, claims to have the body of a 38 year-old - and it only costs him $30k a year

2024-Apr-17 - Forget Bryan Johnson! Meet Dave Pascoe – The New Longevity King Who, At 61, Claims To Have The Body Of A 38 Year-Old – And It Only Costs Him $30k A Year

"They say that many of men’s claims about their results rely on measuring their own fitness. Furthermore, their self-tests are not standardized, so outsiders cannot do much to verify the claims." What a crock! I don't make ANY claims about myself. The claims all come from the journalists that are reporting these stories with ZERO input from me.  I simply reference my 100% standardized & verifiable test results from TruDiagnostic -- the same results that they have posted on their site for all to see. 

2024-Apr-16 - Longevity Enthusiast Aging Slower than Bryan Johnson Takes These Supplements

2024-Apr-15 - Twitter/X: Max Hertan - Over 10.2 million views!

2024-Apr-08 - YouTube Short: LongevityDxTx: Dave Pascoe's complete supplement list 

2024-Apr-06 - YouTube: LongevityDxTx: Dave Pascoe: My supplements for youth and health

2024-Apr-04 - Pursue Performance: Dave Pascoe Supplements Stack for Longevity [2024], an article where they substitute all of my affiliate links for affiliate links & product selections of their own.  Ugh! Shady!

2024-Apr-01 - Protocols Hero: Dave Pascoe 

2024-Mar-30 - YouTube: My interview on the Caffe' dell' Alchimista (ITA/ENG) podcast  - My very first podcast interview!

2024-Mar-17 - YouTube: My Longevity Experiment: Dave Pascoe's Longevity Diet (Including Food Brands)

2024-Mar-15 - YouTube: BlueForest: Dave Pascoe is 61 but biologically 38 / Aging slower than Bryan Johnson (2024)

2024-Mar-10 - YouTube: My Longevity Experiment: What is Dave Pascoe's Daily Longevity Routine?

2024-Mar-04 - YouTube: LongevityDxTx: 4 controversial things Dave Pascoe does to improve his health and lifespan

2024-Mar-03 - YouTube: LongevityDxTx: 5 ways Dave Pascoe's longevity protocol is superior to Bryan Johnson's

2024-Mar-02 - YouTube: LongevityDxTx: Dave Pascoe: I'm 61 yo but my body is 38yo | My health and longevity secrets

2024-Feb-26 - Ben Greenfield Life: The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 2/16-2/22

2024-Feb-17 - YouTube: My Longevity Experiment: How is Dave Pascoe beathing Bryan Johnson at the Rejuvenation Olympics?

2024-Feb-16 - Nona: The Weekly Thread: 25G vs. 100G of Protein, The Habits of the World's Slowest Agers, and The Two People You Don't Negotiate With.

2024-Feb-16 - The Longevity Blog - AVEA Life: How did Dave Pascoe reduce his bioage by 24 years?

2024-Feb-15 - BNN: Rejuvenation Olympics: The Race to Turn Back Time

2024-Feb-15 - South China Morning Post: Celeb biohacker Bryan Johnson's Rejuvenation Olympics - you win 'by never crossing the finish line' - draws people eager to reverse their biological clocks

2024-Feb-13 - Twitter/X: Greg Mushen

2024-Jan-26 - Twitter/X: Greg Mushen - A super detailed look into my website protocols!

2024-Jan-23 - The Longevity Newsletter: Dave Pascoe, 61-year-old top rejuvenation athlete - He sits one spot above Bryan Johnson in the rankings

2024-Jan-19 - Rapamycin.News: Biohacker spending $2m a year to reverse his age beaten by man paying just $30k

2024-Jan-19 - UniladTech: Biohacker spending $2m a year to reverse his age beaten by man paying just $30,000 a year 

BTW, I do not sing in my local church choir, I merely participate in my church's annual Christmas production, where needed. 😂 

And that $30k includes groceries, biohacking conferences & travel, running events & travel, athletic equipment & apparel, lab testing, supplements, and personal care products. The biggest cost items were various one-time purchases of biohacking tools and genetic testing -- expenses which will never need repeating. 

Now that I'm retired, with my home gym complete, genetic testing finished, and diet & supplements fairly well nailed-down (which will require less frequent testing), I expect my continued annual spend to be less than half of that, and my annual travel budget to increase.

2023-Dec-19 - The Epoch Times: Ordinary Man Beats Millionaire in Reverse Aging for Just a Fraction of the Cost

2023-Sept - Was placed onto the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard in 6th place, ahead of Bryan Johnson.

2023-July - Submitted my TruDiagnostic results to the Rejuvenation Olympics for consideration onto their pace of aging leaderboard.

2023-Jun - Took my 3rd qualifying TruDiagnostic epigenetic age & pace of aging tests.